Athlete, Here is Your Best Companion

Here is Your Best Companion

17  "The LORD your God is in your midst, a mighty One who will save; He will rejoice over you with gladness; He will quiet you by His love; He will exult over you with loud singing."

Zephaniah 3:17 (ESV)

In sport we refer to two-way players as those known for their defense and offense. They play both sides of the ball effectively. Their value to the team is great.

The LORD is like this too. He defends and He scores. It doesn't matter who has the ball. He is in control. He operates in the present as well as the future. It's a long-term deal for Him.

In fact, the LORD is more than a two-way player. Note five great ways God plays Himself out for His people, His team, in today's Scripture:

  1. GREAT COMPANION: "The LORD your God is with you." God attaches Himself to us. He is an abider. You'll never find Him far off. And if anyone moves, it's us. He loves to be with His people.

  2. GREAT EMANCIPATOR: "He is mighty to save." God saves. He's mighty good at doing this. No one rescues like Him. Trust Him to do what He does.

  3. GREAT TEAMMATE: "He will take great delight in you." In a world full of performance-based acceptance, isn't it great that His acceptance is not performance-based! He pictures a special future with us, for us. His good gaze is ours. Make sure you are on the same team.

  4. GREAT LOVER: "He will quiet you with His love." The LORD brings the right loving touch to our oft-unsettled souls. He doesn't just love, He loves well. Let Him.

  5. GREAT SINGER: "He will rejoice over you with singing." The LORD loves to let loose and crank His pipes when we come to mind. What an amazing thought! I can hardly wait to hear His voice in all its glory sing over me!

Reflect: Are you experiencing good companionship with God? If you are feeling stuck, where do you need God's saving touch applied to you? Are you sensing God's delight in you or listening more to the enemy of your soul?

Perhaps the two greatest skills in life are the ability to give love and to receive love. How are you doing at receiving love, especially God's quieting love?

A prayer to consider: LORD, be my sweet, steady companion, no matter where life takes me, no matter what happens. Save and rescue me from myself and this world that does constant harm.

Take delight in Your servant. I'm yours. Keep settling me with Your love. And sing over me like the rock star that You are. Amen.

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