Athlete, In Christ You Have Every Spiritual Blessing

In Christ You Have Every Spiritual Blessing

3  “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places.”

Ephesians 1:3 (ESV)

When was the last award ceremony that you attended -- in high school, in a club, or maybe even while at a university?

I still have a clear memory of the award ceremony from my senior year in high school and senior year at university. However, to be honest, I don’t really remember the award ceremonies from the other years of either high school or university. I know that we had them, but they didn’t really make an impact for me or my memory.

Even though I don’t remember what happened during the ceremonies; I do have a clear memory of what I felt -- anxiety and hope that I might get something -- anything, for that matter. It was the opportunity to feel validated and awarded for my hard work from the season.

But I also knew that not everyone got an award, they were limited to only a few. I remember feeling dejected, lesser in some way because I didn’t win something. As if not winning a team award at the end of the season meant that I was less than my teammates who won awards.

What’s interesting is that when we place our faith in Christ, there is a celebration. A spiritual award ceremony, if you will. But here is the kicker: Everyone gets access to the spiritual blessings given by our heavenly Father.

Paul, writing to encourage and remind the church in Ephesus about who they are in Christ and what He has blessed them with when they put their trust and faith in Him, writes it this way: “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places” (Ephesians 1:3).

This is not some random “participation” trophy; but rather, this is access to every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realms.

I don’t have a list of what all of these spiritual blessings from God are, but here are a few listed from Ephesians 1:

God has accepted you as a son or daughter, adopted you into His family, you have been forgiven, redeemed, and have received the riches of His grace, received an inheritance and are sealed (protected and preserved) by the Holy Spirit.

Athlete you no longer have to wait anxiously for the end of the year’s award ceremony, hoping to be validated by some piece of metal and plastic. Your heavenly Father has awarded you, given to you every spiritual blessing.

Take hold of them, thank Him for them, and bless, honor and worship the King with them today!

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