Athlete, Live for Jesus

Live for Jesus

14,15  “For the love of Christ compels us, because we judge thus: that if One died for all, then all died; and He died for all, that those who live should live no longer for themselves, but for Him who died for them and rose again.”

2 Corinthians 5:14,15 (NKJV)

People live for a sport, for a team or for a cause. Christ calls for more of us.

Something radical happened when you put your faith in Christ and became a Christian. His Spirit took up residence in your life, your eternal destiny changed, every wrong thing that you ever did (and will do yet) was forgiven, and access to His throne was granted 24/7.

That kind of love compels us to give Him more.

Why would that not result in a radically new life?

Most people would expect their lives to be changed by winning the Mega Millions lottery or signing a record pro sports contract. Those things really only change your standard of living and the number of people who want to be your close friend.

No amount of wealth can buy the peace, forgiveness, security or eternity that comes with knowing Jesus.

The first few words in today’s verses reveal why Christians could see their lives as radical, a life that is out of the ordinary. Jesus’ love, demonstrated by His death in our place, is compelling.

All that other stuff we live for — pleasure, success, friends, position — will come and go.

So what does living for Jesus mean? It means that what He wants, says, asks and does … comes before what we want, say, ask or do. Living for Jesus involves setting self aside.

Spend some time in Colossians 1 this week. Is this not the Jesus who makes the Christian life so radical? He died on a cross, He was raised from the dead and He lives in His followers.

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