Athlete, Money Matters

Money Matters

6  "But by the twenty-third year of King Joash the priests still had not repaired the temple."

2 Kings 12:6 (NIV)

How any ballclub decides to spend its money often becomes the subject of great debate. The spending shows everyone what the priorities of the club really are.

The same goes for us as individuals. We function the same way. Money becomes revealer. As Jesus says, "Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also” (Matthew 6:21). I'm so glad the Bible has so much to say about money -- more than any other subject -- for money sure has a lot to say about us, about me.

In 2 Kings 12, money is the hot topic for sure. A king gets hot because giving to God is not a practiced priority among his people. The Lord's temple was not being repaired because giving to get the job done was going way too slow. So he steps in, puts an end to this and reorders things. By the end of his reign however, the king seems to parallel his people's practice, putting off the Lord in favor of personal preservation.

Athlete, how do you spend your money, whether little or much? Do you have a plan? Are you exercising discipline? Most importantly, how is your relationship with God reflected in the way you spend money?

Prayer to consider today: LORD, my money is Yours. It's a gift, a stewardship. May I hold it loosely and spend it wisely. Let it be a reflection of my worship, my value of You. Keep me from loving money and using people. Let it flow the other way around. Like my time and my talents, help me to see my treasures as a sacred trust too … and You as highest treasure. Amen.

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