Athlete, Pace and Space is a Winning Combo

Pace and Space is a Winning Combo

24  “But the Word of God continued to spread and flourish.”

Acts 12:24 (NIV)

The game of basketball has beautifully evolved. Its newest edition is driven by the concept of “pace and space.”

Playing with added pace creates more fluid flow, good sharing and seamless offense. Creating more space drives the increased pace and demands more well-rounded skill. This movement is gladly growing.

God has a great movement growing too … a beautiful people movement. It’s the greatest people movement in the history of the world.

This momentum has always been fueled by the living and active Word of God. Whenever the Word gets into people and then moves out of them to help others, multiplication happens.

Specifically, it happens with added pace and increased space.

The more we pick up the pace in knowing what God says about anything, the greater the spread that good news moves to others. The more space we create for God’s Word to dwell richly in us, the more it will flow effectively out of us to others everywhere (Colossians 3:16,17).

Indeed, amazing movement happens when God’s Word becomes preeminent in our lives. His Spirit sees to it.

When we get under the authority and direction of His Word, God fans things into flames. Understanding grows like a weed. Right perspective and wisdom show up; and so does the confidence to see our way through.

When we know what God says, and then trust and obey it, life change happens -- in us -- and then in others too. Increase and spread is inevitable. What a great way to play!

Reflect: The Golden State Warriors believe in this mantra: strength in numbers. God says there is strength in the number of reps we get in God‘s Word. How are your reps coming along? Are you getting your fill?

If added pace and space are a crucial formula for winning in life, what can you do to pick up the pace and space regarding your attention to God‘s Word? Is it by joining a Bible study, or by committing to read the Word daily before breakfast/before bed? Is it regularly sharing what you’ve learned with others?

A prayer to consider: LORD, thank You for the full access to Your Word that I have. Increase its flow in me. May I spread Your love and truth all around. It’s not for me.

When it comes to living for You, I want to play with pace and space. Amen.

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