Athlete, Pursue this Daily

Pursue this Daily

21,22  "My son, do not lose sight of these — keep sound wisdom and discretion, and they will be life for your soul and adornment for your neck."

Proverbs 3:21,22 (ESV)

Let's talk about a great daily decision we can make. According to today's Scripture, the answer is this: give attention to sound judgment and discernment. This pursuit brings real life and rich reward.

Digging deeper, what does it mean to give attention to sound judgment and discernment? How do we arrive at this wisdom? Scripture points to these things:

PURSUE IT – Discernment and sound judgment don't always come with time. Wisdom doesn't automatically keep coming with age.

Like a single person who longs to be married, wisdom must be pursued, sought, chased down and then surrendered to. Always be on the lookout for wisdom. The big daily question must become, "What is the wise thing to do?"

PRESERVE IT – Once we get wisdom, we're to keep it. Never discard wisdom in favor of other things. Don't let other urges win.

Wisdom must have carryover. We're to make wisdom our continual coach. Wisdom should never get fired.

ASK FOR IT – The Bible clearly states that when we lack wisdom, we should ask God for it. He's the wisdom source. When we do ask, He will provide the discernment and sound judgment we're looking for and even do so generously (James 1:5).

IMITATE IT – The Bible also declares that "in Christ are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge" (Colossians 2:3). So to follow Jesus is to find wisdom. To imitate Him is to become wise.

Reflect: Are you actively pursuing wisdom? Are you actually praying for wisdom when you know you lack it, or are you operating solo? Are you following and imitating Jesus to find the wisdom that you're looking for?

Pursue. Preserve. Ask. Imitate. What great life actions! Real life and rich reward awaits.

A prayer to consider: LORD, I want to feel alive, be moving forward, affirmed and graced in life. This won't happen without my giving attention to Your wisdom daily. Help me to confidently pursue it, preserve it, ask for it and imitate it. O, how I need discernment and sound judgment!

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