Athlete, These Are Game Changers

These Are Game Changers

17,18  "The LORD is righteous in all His ways and faithful in all He does. The LORD is near to all who call on Him, to all who call on Him in truth."

Psalm 145:17,18 (NIV)

Do you know the phrase "broken record"? Sometimes, there are truths that we have heard so many times that they start to sound like a "broken record."

The truths in God's Word, if we grasp the weight of them, should affect us in profound ways. In fact, they should be game changers for us every day.

God's Word is alive and active; it never loses its effect. It is only when our hearts become complacent that any of God's Word ends up sounding like a "broken record."

Here are some game changers:

“The LORD is righteous in all His ways and faithful in all He does. The LORD is near to all who call on Him, to all who call on Him in truth.” Psalm 145:17,18 (NIV)

He is righteous.

This means that God is morally right, justified, virtuous, good, excellent. Not just excellent like that one or two shots you put up in practice.

He isn't on His way to being excellent, and He isn't just excellent one or two times; He is excellent all of the time. He isn't a good person, He is good all the time and to the core.

He is righteous in ALL of His ways.

He is faithful.

This means that He is constant, stable, loyal, dependable, devoted, steadfast. Nothing about Him has ever changed, and it never will. He is constant and consistent.

Never will He leave us nor forsake us. He always comes through. He never forgets you. You are on His mind all the time. He has you in His sights all the time.

He is faithful in ALL He does.

He is near.

This means He is close; there is very little space between you and Him. He is within your reach. That is why all you have to do is call out to Him. He is that close, and that is all of the time.

He is near to ALL who call on Him.

Athlete, let those things sink in. He is righteous in all His ways with you. He is faithful to you. He is so near to you.

Reflection: How is this a game changer for you today? How does it affect your attitude, your work, sport, relationships? How would believing these truths more deeply change your life?

Challenge: Let the truths in God's Word change you.

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