Athlete, Be Careful with Good Things and Honor

Be Careful with Good Things and Honor

27  “It's not good to eat too much honey, and it's not good to seek honors for yourself.”

Proverbs 25:27 (New Living Translation)

Here are a few things you better be sure of before you put them into play:

  • Writing something down on a whiteboard or wall with a permanent marker.
  • The game plan before a championship game.
  • Whom you are about to marry.

God wants us to be very sure of how we define two important words: “good” and “honor.” Let's see what He has to say on these two subjects.

GOOD CAN BECOME AN ENEMY: Like eating honey, too much of a good thing is not so good. It's the same thing as letting too many three-point shots fly at the beginning of a game or generating too much speed at the beginning of a longer race.

You may pay for it dearly later on, even though you get ahead of the game at the start. Don't let a good thing get out of control. Too much of it can be bad. Balance is better. Let moderation win.

HANDLE HONOR JUST RIGHT: Honor is best left in the hands of another. When I put my hands on honoring myself, I lose my honor. Something else grips me when I seek my own honor -- a dangerous duo of PRIDE and SELFISH AMBITION.

Those two barrels will eventually drive me right into a ditch. Instead, I must let God and others handle my promotion, my honor. That may be hard to do, but God says it's best. I must trust Him for the greater reward.

Reflect: How are you handling “good” and “honor”? Are balance and moderation truly winning the day with you in all areas? Are you trusting God for promotion, or is self-promotion bringing you the honor you seek?

A prayer to consider: LORD, make me all-star good when it comes to moderation and balance. Help me to know when too much is too much and too little is too little. I really need Your help to do this.

Don't let me give in to the temptation of self-promotion. I trust You through others to lift me up in due season. And I press on for Your good and Your honor just like Jesus. Amen.

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