Athlete, Have These Two Consuming Passions

Have These Two Consuming Passions

17  “His disciples remembered that it was written, ‘Zeal for Your house will consume Me.’”

John 2:17 (ESV)

I have some consuming passions. It's hard for me to pass when offered cashews or pistachios.

It's equally hard for me to pass up a strawberry twizzler, stick of peppermint gum, one brutal sudoku puzzle, watching or coaching a good basketball game, gazing on any family photo, or accepting almost any athletic challenge whenever.

It's also become a passion of mine to read the Bible daily and sing at least one spiritual song.

Do you have some consuming passions? I hope so. Care to name them?

Jesus had consuming passions. One was zeal for God's house. It led Him to faithfully attend and zealously participate in temple worship.

He didn't sit out “games” when it came to worship. And He defended God's house like a mug (John 2:13-17). He lived for pure worship – not His, but His Father's.

Jesus had another consuming passion. It was for His body to be God's house too, a place where His Father was wonderfully honored and through which others experienced great love, care and selfless service.

He wanted everything housed in Him to be zealous for the Lord. He aimed to make His body, a “temple” not made with hands, fit for His Master's use. That house became indestructible no matter what He faced, even death (John 2:18-25).

These two Jesus passions – corporate worship and personal service – are to be ours too. The Lord looks for zeal for TWO houses – one of bricks and mortar, and more importantly, one of flesh and blood.

Reflect: Rate your zeal for God's house. Are you fighting to make it vibrant and alive in you? Are you committed to connecting with others before God?

How's your personal house, the life inside you? Are you building something special for God and others there? Is Jesus honored and exalted in you and through you?

A prayer to consider: O LORD, give me a zealous, uncompromising passion to prioritize corporate worship (going to church) in my life. Make me unbending about this.

And for my body, remind me daily, Lord, that my body is Your temple. Help me to see this as a high and holy calling. Consume me with this beautiful, noble vision. May it work its way in and out of me like a champ for You. Amen.

1 Corinthians 6:19,20

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