Athlete, Involve Jesus

Involve Jesus

4  “‘Woman, why do you involve Me?’ Jesus replied. ‘My hour has not yet come.’”

John 2:4 (NIV)

Involving others and getting involved with them can be a messy, threatening thing. It often makes our trust stand up to a firing squad. Expectations may go unmet. Something messy may happen.

Does it sometimes feel like involvement is a necessary evil to you? Or is there one sweet, strong involvement that always proves good, no matter how all your other involvements go?

In today's Scripture, Jesus candidly faced an involvement issue with His mom. She wanted to bring Him in on some needed action. A wedding reception ran dry. Involving Jesus could change things. Here's the thinking:

Why involve Jesus?

  • Because concerns always arise. Stuff happens. Trouble comes. But He's known as “The Overcomer.” (John 16:33)

  • Because remedies are always sought. Perspective is always needed. Enough light is always in demand, and He is the light of the world. (John 8:12)

  • Because I believe He can do something. He has the power to change things, change stories, change lives. I know He can help. (Jeremiah 32:17, 27)

  • Because I know He loves to be involved. He's not afraid to enter our mess. (1 Timothy 1:15)

  • Because, of all the involvements I could entertain, this one's best. (Acts 4:12; Proverbs 16:3)

Well then, why wouldn't I involve Him?

  • Because I have no real problems. (I like to live in denial.)

  • Because I don't think He cares to be involved. He has His life, I have mine. (1 Peter 5:7)

  • Because I don’t think He can really do something. I believe Jesus is inept, irrelevant, unaware, powerless.

  • Because I don't want Him to weigh in. I'd rather my pride and unbelief be left in charge. It's more comfortable that way.

  • Because I'm a little embarrassed to ask, even though He told me, “You do not have, because you do not ask” (James 4:2 ESV). I'm also a little ashamed to be identified with Him, even though He's unashamed of me (Romans 5:8).

Do yourself a favor: Kick that second list to the curb. As His mother Mary did, ask Jesus to get involved early and often. And get involved with Him as deeply as you can.

His involvement is sweet, strong, satisfying and true.

Reflect: How involved is Jesus with you? How often do you invite Him and welcome Him to be involved with you?

A prayer to consider: Lord Jesus, I want You involved in everything. Permeate me – my heart, my mind, my home, my job, my tasks, my hopes, my dreams, my dilemmas, my sense of mission, all my relationships.

There is such great reason to involve You. Don't let me live in fear. Help me to always involve You in all my life. That's the way You really want it. And that's the way that is best. Amen.

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