Athlete, The Spirit of God Lives in You

The Spirit of God Lives in You

11  “But if the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, He who raised Christ Jesus from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through His Spirit who dwells in you.”

Romans 8:11 (NASB)

As I teed up a golf ball on a Friday afternoon, another golfer asked to join me to play nine holes. By the third hole he asked what I did for work. When I told him that I was a chaplain to the pro sports teams in town, it triggered a quick apology for his colorful language.

Once he got over his embarrassment, we were soon talking about spiritual things. He was intrigued that we could actually enter a relationship with God, but he just couldn't comprehend how he would be able to keep up this kind of a commitment. It would be too hard to sustain it.

What my golfing friend could not grasp was that God places His Spirit in the lives of His followers. It is the Holy Spirit Who gives us both the desire and the strength to live for God. That makes for a very radical life for a Christ-follower.

God never intended for us to flounder through life with the best of our abilities. In fact, it is impossible to live the life that God asks of us without the help of the Holy Spirit.

The Scriptures describe several ministries of the Holy Spirit. He helps us understand God’s Word and He convicts us when we stray off track. He prays for us, encourages us and guides us. He molds our character so that we become more Christlike.

The Holy Spirit gives us spiritual gifts to enable us to serve both God and people in unique ways.

The life of a Christ-follower is so extraordinary. There is nothing like it on earth because of the rich blessings that He showers on us, things like grace, forgiveness, the Holy Spirit and 24/7 access to God.

(Check out more insights on the ministries of the Holy Spirit in John 14-16, Romans 8 and 12 and Galatians 5.)

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