Athlete, These Eleven Words Prepare You for Battle

These Eleven Words Prepare You for Battle

10  “Finally, be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power.”

Ephesians 6:10 (NIV)

What do you say to yourself as you face life's big battles? How do you brace yourself for a tempest, a testing, a trial? May I highlight one brief sentence -- eleven igniting words -- for the fight you face?

Ephesians 6:10 starts the charge. Let's unpack it together.

This is INCREDIBLE! The word “Finally” opens Ephesians 6:10. It's used not just because it's the last big topic to be tackled in the book, but because incredible news follows. God alerts us to ultimate realities, surefire conflict, spiritual warfare and the way to triumph in the end.

The fight is INEVITABLE. A real, raging, hungry four-headed monster (Death, Destruction, Discouragement, and the Devil) picks fights all the time, always rearing an ugly head of conflict. It insatiably aims to kill, steal, destroy. Don't underestimate this powerful, wicked, cunning, monster.

My effort is INADEQUATE. Not all fights are the same. Some foes require more than one person can muster. When it comes to this enemy, there's no winning on our own.

Spiritual warfare is brutal, insidiously tough and deadly. Having a supernatural defense and offense is crucial.

God's power is INVINCIBLE. Learning to fight IN His mighty power is key. That's why God introduces in the verses to follow HIS powerful set of six weapons for us to use to ward off advancing darkness (see Ephesians 6:14-18).

His weapons insulate. His weapons trump. His weapons win.

So speak to yourself. Get some great self-talk going. Often. Daily. Declare Ephesians 6:10. It helps a ton to hold us together, to brace us for battle, to stand our ground.

It helped me a ton this past week. May it help you a ton today. And may it help us win for a lifetime.

A prayer to consider: LORD, help me be strong IN You, THROUGH You, FOR You. Much is required of me to fight and win in this life. Your mighty power is what I need. Thank You by faith for granting it. Off to battle I go today with these 11 igniting words! Amen.

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