Athlete, This is How to Approach God

This is How to Approach God

1-3  "LORD, my heart is not proud; my eyes are not haughty. I don't concern myself with matters too great or too awesome for me to grasp. Instead, I have calmed and quieted myself, like a weaned child who no longer cries for its mother's milk. Yes, like a weaned child is my soul within me. O Israel, put your hope in the Lord—now and always."

Psalm 131 (NLT)

Like being carefully taught how to approach the free-throw line, batter’s box, tee box, line of scrimmage or penalty kick, The LORD teaches us how to approach Him in Psalm 131. He knows that the approach impacts so much of the outcome.

Three main approach “techniques” stand out.

  1. NOT OCCUPIED (131:1): God wants us coming to Him unconcerned with self and not consumed by trying to figure everything out on our own. Humble must be a verb before it becomes an adjective. Allowing our problem-solving to become His concern too is what He wants. Making our dreams His territory too is His desire.

  2. STILLED SOUL (131:2): Take time to settle yourself as you come to God. Texts and emails can wait, Instagram, Snapchat and Twitter too. Don't let Him drag you into His presence. Prepare yourself. Wean yourself from whining self-centeredness and come quieted and content.

  3. PLACED HOPE (131:3): Hope happens when it's placed … in the right hands … and left there. Putting our hope in His hands is the way God wants to receive us. And when we do, we so often find ourselves leaving His presence with even more.

Reflect: How are you doing in these three areas as you approach God? Are you mastering these prelude moments? Which one needs a little more practice? What hope of yours are you placing in His hands?

Prayer to consider today: LORD, convict me about my approach. I want it perfect, complete. Thank you for this great instruction. Help me to come to You less occupied by me and this world, with a stilled soul and a hope that's faithfully being placed in You.

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