Athlete, We Are Co-Architects

We Are Co-Architects

14  When Moses pleaded with God to spare the golden calf worshippers, “the LORD relented and did not bring on His people the disaster He had threatened."

Exodus 32:14 (NIV)

That begs the question, “What if Moses had not pleaded with God?”

We might also wonder, “Would Lot’s family have been spared if Abraham had not pleaded with God in Genesis 18?”

One theologian wrote, “God has willed that other wills matter.” God does not have to respond to our prayers, but God chooses to.

Athlete, God, in His sovereignty, has chosen to regard you. You do not need your picture in the paper to make a difference. You don’t need to get interviewed, or start, or average 15 points to impact your team and world.

Why? Because God has raised you up and made you priests and intercessors — co-screenwriters and co-architects. Therefore, you matter and are of immense importance.

This is not to say that God is not the chief writer and master architect. This does not mean God always relies on human cooperation. This does not mean everything is up to us. We would have sealed our own dreadful fate if not for God’s intervention.

But, we know from the Bible that God hears and responds to our pleas, desires, praise and anguish. God allows history to be shaped by our petitions and prayers. We are not suppressed under God’s imperviousness. God’s supremacy does not mean we are vanquished. But God gives to those who ask. (Matthew 7:11)

We are elevated, honored and liberated because God listens to us and moves His hand because of our prayers.

Yes, sometimes we beg and beg and nothing.

But, prayer is not just something we do to get stuff, it is a way of life. Prayer is what we were made for and what God’s people have always done. Prayer is a gift. It is an honor!

Athlete, God hears you and allows His hand to be moved by your prayers. You can change the world today.

Don’t be under the impression that headlines and personal attention are what change the world. Sure, they can, but it is the tiny acts and prayers behind closed doors and behind open eyes that alter eternity. How important you are!

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