Athlete, Your Reason for Hope

Your Reason for Hope

3,4  "If You, LORD, kept a record of sins, Lord, who could stand? But with You there is forgiveness, so that we can, with reverence, serve You."

Psalm 130:3-4 (NIV)

Psalm 130 penetrates. It speaks to a time where all of us have been (or will be) ... in the depths, in despair. Life has beat us up. Sin has gotten to us; so have other people or circumstances. Disappointment has settled in. Something has happened that we don't like at all in us or around us … or both. A lift is desperately needed.

Psalm 130 also pinpoints. It highlights hope, furnishing real reasons God gives to press on in spite of despair. Here are four things He offers in the text:

  1. NO RECORDS: God carries an eraser. And He uses it. His delete button gets automatically pushed when it comes to our failures and our wrongs. Jesus sees to it. No repentant “convict” carries a record with Him, just a clean slate (130:3). Hallelujah!

  2. PERSONAL FORGIVENESS: Not only are records erased, but relations are restored. God gets personal with us so that we can function again in wholeness, face to face … with Him, with others (130:4).

  3. UNFAILING LOVE: God's love doesn't expire. It's endlessly good. It's the kind that reaches deep and lifts high. A lifetime guarantee is attached to His love brand (130:7). Amazing!

  4. FULL REDEMPTION: The penalties are paid in full. The buyback, the rescue is complete. There's no reason to walk with a limp, no reason to fear recrimination. Jesus pays it all, full status, full membership (130:7-8).

Finally, Psalm 130 pushes us. It challenges us therefore to wait in hope. The lift has come. The lift will come. "In Your word we put our hope … so that we can, with reverence, serve You." (130:5-6, 4)

Prayer to consider today: LORD, You give great reason for hope, like none other. Thank You for giving this to me once again! I wait in hope this new day.

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