Athlete, Develop These Three Checkpoints

Develop These Three Checkpoints

2  "Lift up your hands in the sanctuary and praise the LORD."

Psalm 134:2 (NIV)

When I go on a trip, I make three lists. One's a packing list. The second pinpoints targets I'd like to hit along the way (people I'd like to see/goals I'd like to accomplish). The last list attaches timetables to these targets. All my “road games” get this grid. When it comes to God, He'd like to see us hit three checkpoints too.

  1. GET TO HIS HOUSE. Get out of yours. Enter His sanctuary. Find yourself there. Dive into good listening, reading, prayer, fellowship and team worship. Show up faithfully. Make “house” calls.
  2. LIFT YOUR HANDS. Change your posture. Go vertical. Push up. Go ahead and raise your hands to God in this trifecta fashion: true celebration, deep allegiance, sweet surrender.
  3. PRAISE THE LORD. Render honor to whom honor is due. Express it. Speak it. Let loose. Don't withhold it. Don't steal it. We were made for worship. Our true purpose is worship, so give it to Him any way you can.

Reflect: Howya doing with these checkpoints? Any adjustments needed?

Prayer to consider today: LORD, of all my life's activities, help me faithfully express these three. Let them become ever-sweet, regular checkpoints met. You alone are worthy of my worship.

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