Athlete, God Leaves His Mark

God Leaves His Mark

16,17  “In the past, He let all nations go their own way. Yet He has not left Himself without testimony: He has shown kindness by giving you rain from heaven and crops in their seasons; He provides you with plenty of food and fills your hearts with joy.”

Acts 14:16,17 (NIV)

God leaves marks. Good marks. Like the most benevolent superstar, He will not leave a scene without leaving a trace of Himself with ones He’s been with.

Fingerprints for others to discover, an autograph to cherish, a handshake to savor, and something to remember is always left in His wake. God wants to be known, recognized and appreciated above any other thing in the universe.

Yes, God finds ways to let us know He’s there, more than we sometimes believe. He will not leave Himself without testimony. And often that evidence is fresh.

He left me with fresh evidence:

  • at the NBA Finals and grad classes in June
  • at the Pan Am Games in Brazil in July
  • at The Ark Encounter in Kentucky and at a wedding in Indiana in August
  • through my former college basketball manager and his family this week
  • through a lunch date with a dear coaching buddy today
  • and about anytime I ever read the Bible and pray

Reflect: How about you? Days rarely pass when God does not make Himself known.

Rainbows and so much of His creation shout His name (Psalm 19:1-6). Do you see Him?

Take a look at your body. We are all fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14). Our amazing design, function and capacity all highlight Him. Do you notice Him here?

God often sends messengers and circumstances to get our attention. My whole summer has been marked by things like this. You had striking visits too? What circumstances have wowed you?

His most personal, consistent testimonies to us come through His Son, His Spirit, and His Word. O, how I love His intimate taps on the shoulder, invading thoughts, and strong touches on my heart (Hebrews 1:1,2 and John 16:7-16).

What impact have you sensed lately like this?

Testimony to God does play out in the life of one who looks (Isaiah 30:21). He leaves His mark on us. He does not leave us without testimony. Believe this. Look for this. And look forward to His testimonies continuing to light your way.

A prayer to consider: LORD, I see them. Your testimonies are manifest, magnificent. Your marks are many. They light my way. Thank you.

You have not left me without a witness. I am not alone. I am not afraid. I rejoice in this and worship You. Keep leaving Your blessed marks on me. Amen.

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