Athlete, He is Always on the Job

He is Always on the Job

17  “In His defense Jesus said to them, ‘My Father is always at His work to this very day, and I too am working.’”

John 5:17 (NIV)

Are you known for an outstanding work ethic? Is it obvious to others that substantial work must be taking place consistently in you? So much of elite performance is built on this.

God's Word highlights one work ethic that's unmatched … Jesus makes it clear that He is ALWAYS AT WORK, and so is His Father. The only rest they express is one of completion, not one driven by laziness, disinterest, idleness or fatigue.

The God of the Bible never slumbers or sleeps (Psalm 121:4; 132:4). No other gods are known for their consistent, relentless work. Indecision, deferred judgment and retirement seem to get the best of them.

Perhaps you're wondering, what does God in Christ do? What is He doing now? Here's a “short” list of what the Bible says Jesus is up to:

HE ADVOCATES: Jesus ever lives to make intercession for us before the Father. He goes to bat for us nonstop. He never steps off the court (Hebrews 7:25).

HE BEFRIENDS: If you're a sinner, count on Jesus's friendship (Luke 7:34). And count on it to the end (Matthew 28:20)!

HE BUILDS: Jesus is preparing a place in heaven for all who trust and follow Him (John 14:2,3).

HE EMANCIPATES: Jesus constantly sets people free from their past, themselves, slavery, sin, circumstances, death and the grave (John 8:36).

HE EXERCISES: Jesus constantly exercises his patience, justice, kindness and righteousness (2 Peter 3:9; Jeremiah 9:23,24).

HE INVADES: His Spirit invades the hearts and minds of those who follow Him, coaching and counseling, empowering and guiding, prompting and teaching (John 14:16).

HE LOVES: No man loves like Him (1 John 3:1; Romans 8:35-39; Psalm 103:11,17).

HE FIGHTS: Jesus battles like a lion. He fights for the honor of His name. He fights for His people. He upholds justice (Isaiah 9:7).

HE FINISHES: Jesus completes whatever He starts. He is a finisher. His finished work is our redemption (Philippians 1:6).

HE REMOVES: Jesus removes our sins faithfully, fully, forever. How moving is that! He dumps it in a place where it can never be found again (1 John 1:7,9; Psalm 103:10,12).

HE SHEPHERDS: Jesus tends His sheep, His children. That means He feeds and protects, rescues and rests His own. That's a lot of great childcare (Psalm 23)!

Aren't you glad that God is always at work? Don't you revel in knowing that God takes personal interest in us? Jesus is always reppin'. Praise God! He's always on the job.

Reflect: What aspect of God's work ethic most impresses and encourages you today? Take a moment and thank God for some aspect of His terrific work ethic that touches you.

A prayer to consider: Lord, thanks for being so active and caring and applying Yourself so diligently to me. Oh, how I need You to be always on the job. It makes such a difference in my confidence in facing any given day.

May my worship and honor of You always be actively expressed. Amen.

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