Athlete, Discover the H Factors – Help and Hope

Discover the H Factors – Help and Hope

4  "Blessed are those whose help is the God of Jacob, whose hope is in the LORD their God. He is the Maker of heaven and earth, the sea, and everything in them – He remains faithful forever."

Psalm 146:5,6 (NIV)

Sports teams we respect most are the ones that win consistently over time, almost no matter who is listed on the roster. A tradition of excellence prevails. A culture of care is deeply bred. Got a club in mind? I do. For me, it's the New York Yankees and USA Basketball. They both caught my eye as a kid, and I've never let them go.

Teams like this have “H factors” help and hope running all through them, sustaining them. They're good for the long haul. What they do and how they do it seems agelessly superior.

Psalm 146 points us to a help and a hope that's personally good for the ages. It's what championship living is built around. Here are the few basic principles that play out:

  1. FIND THE ETERNAL. Drop a pin around this. Help and Hope breed here. Don't waste time or energy on anything else. The mortal, the temporal here and now, doesn't need any more of our added weight or attention. (v3-4)

  2. FIND HIM. The number one place to find help and hope is in a Person. It's the LORD, Maker of all, Maker of me, the Forever Faithful One. Go there. Go to Him. Go often. (v5-6)

  3. READ THE RECORD. Follow the story of the One who is worthy of countless Purple Hearts and Nobel Prizes for His contributions to humanity. Nine are listed here. (v7-9) There's a multitude more to be found. Reading His record brings hope. It really helps me.

  4. WORSHIP. That's what we're made for. Not for ourselves, not for our performances. We are made for Him. Give Him the honor due His Name. Help and Hope come alive as we worship Him. (v1-2, 10)

Reflect: Where's your help coming from? What's your hope? Are you dropping pins around the eternal, making the LORD your primary H factor and reading His Word faithfully to find help and hope?

Prayer to consider today: LORD, in You I find such help and hope. Hallelujah for that! Hallelujah for You!

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