Athlete, Know What God is Like

Know What God is Like

18  "The Lord is near to all who call on Him, to all who call on Him in truth."

Psalm 145:18 (NIV)

The Rio Olympics took the world's centerstage. Athletes played with the pursuit of excellence as their chief aim. Spectators watched for the drama of it all, for great stories to unfold. We all tried to find ourselves in a bigger story, the story of epic performance and glory in others.

And it’s the stories behind the performers and performances that enrich and complete the drama that unfolds in the Olympics. It is knowing the journey the competitor has taken, what he or she is really like and what each one brings into the performances. That's why our television stations insert backstories that become so enjoyable, popular, valuable. We all love those profiles. We don't want to watch just the events.

When you read Psalm 145, you notice a beautiful profile of God, of what He's really like, not just His performance record among men. It's like watching a great Olympic spectacle. The profile makes the moments. It's more than just viewing a country's medals count or final score or standing.

Here's the profile we get of God there:

  • He is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and rich in love. (v8)
  • He is globally good, kind and fair to all. (v9)
  • He is faithful to all His promises. (v13)
  • He is loving toward all He has made. (v13)
  • He is an upholder and lifter of the fallen and those who bow. (v14)
  • He is provider and feeder for countless. (v15)
  • He is open handed with all that He has for all who come. (v16)
  • He is totally, purely righteous and consistently, categorically loving. (v17)
  • He is nearer than we think when we call to Him. (v18)
  • He is the fulfiller of our desires and dreams, not just His own. (v19)
  • He is vigilant. He never takes His eyes off what He values … those who love Him. (v20)
  • He is vengeful. Paybacks will come to those who try to unseat Him. (v20)

Reflect: Do you love knowing the backstory on God? Do you love viewing His profile? What bullet point jumps out to you? Which one did you need to hear today as you go out and compete? How does His story impact you?

Prayer to consider today: LORD, I love learning Your story and Your profile. Keep writing it on me.

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