Athlete, Know What Will Sustain You

Know What Will Sustain You

34  “Jesus said to them, ‘My food is to do the will of Him who sent Me and to accomplish His work.’”

John 4:34 (ESV)

What sustains you? What puts water in your well? What keeps you going for the long haul?

  • If you're an extrovert, it's being around enough people.
  • If you're an introvert, it's finding enough solitude.
  • If you're task-oriented, it's having enough things to do.
  • If you're relational, it's having a enough kindred spirits around you.
  • If you're competitive, it's finding enough competition … and winning!

Here's what Jesus found to be most sustaining: having one centerpiece relationship, one central mission, and one key completion.

ONE RELATIONSHIP: The relationship with His Father was everything to Jesus. He was Father-driven. What's your “everything” relationship?

ONE MISSION: When it came to the Father, there was nothing Jesus wouldn't do. Father-obedience alone defined His mission. It consumed Him. He was all about doing the will of His Father.

Whatever the Father served up, Jesus ate. And He delivered on it. What really defines and drives your mission and motivation in life?

ONE COMPLETION: Jesus was a finisher. His end-game was and is unbeatable. He endured the cross. He marched into hell and returned victorious. He fulfilled His mission.

Are you known for finishing what you start?

Jesus makes it plain what sustains Him. Plainly, I must ask, “What sustains you?”

A prayer to consider: LORD, I'm with Jesus. My words are His. My food is to do the will of my Father and to finish His work.

May this Father-driven, mission-driven, end-driven living consume and sustain me too. Amen.

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