Athlete, Let God Level Your Ground

Let God Level Your Ground

10  "Teach me to do Your will, for You are my God; may Your good Spirit lead me on level ground."

Psalm 143:10 (NIV)

The ground we walk on is not often that level. My heroic parents are acutely aware of this. Both of them are physically handicapped, especially in their legs. They really notice uneven surfaces.

Life is full of uneven terrain. Sometimes our ground is not level because we have to climb mountains or dig ditches. The mountains and ditches may be our doing. It may be because someone else is making us climb or dig. In our spirits, we always long for level ground, an even playing surface, sure-footed living.

What's the surface like that you're moving on today? How does it look and feel to you? Are you cruising along the highway of life, coasting downhill or in a ditch? Are you loving the climb or exhausted? Are you suffering from your own doing, or have others got you digging ditches?

No matter the surface you're moving on right now, it's possible to get to even ground in your heart. God says so. What gets a person to “level ground” living? Here's what God's Word teaches in Psalm 143:

  1. Cultivate a TEACHABLE SPIRIT within. Humility before God powerfully levels the ground and sets us up for an easier stride. (v.10)

  2. Depend on God's SPIRIT to even things and even you out. The Holy Spirit does a tremendous job leading people to level ground. (v.10)

  3. PRAY. Prayer changes things. All of Psalm 143 is a prayer for two basic things: leading and deliverance. (Who doesn't want these same things?) It starts with a man spreading his hands, asking to be heard, crying for mercy. When we pray to God like this, really emptying out before Him, our confidence grows in trusting Him to straighten and level out our road. (v.1,6)

  4. REMEMBER the past. RECALL more. Don't limit your thoughts to just yourself and your present circumstances. Put some concentrated effort into remembering what God has done among others and for you in days gone by. (v.5)

  5. “REMIND” God of a few things. Tell Him who He is to you and who you are to Him. Tell Him your “whys.” Do this freely, fully. It really builds confidence in your relationship with Him. Verses 2 and 8-12 are great examples.

Reflect: What direction or deliverance are you looking for? Does God know about this? Have you told Him? Which of the five ground-leveling moves mentioned above needs more expression in you? Practice number 5 above, and watch your confidence grow.

Prayer to consider today: LORD, level my ground. Level me. Even me out, build my confidence and hope for Your Name's sake and my joy in You.

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