Athlete, Make Him Your Most Unforgettable

Make Him Your Most Unforgettable

5  "If I forget you, Jerusalem, may my right hand forget its skill."

Psalm 137:5 (NIV)

Certain people and moments in our lives become unforgettable. Something about that one person or event makes you always want to remember. Maybe it's a championship won, a true love expressed, one life-changing word spoken, a great gift given, a personal goal accomplished, an emotional victory or awful defeat.

We do all kinds of things to help us remember those defining moments and special people. We wear rings and necklaces, get tattoos, hang pictures, hold parties, receive trophies, write journals, retell stories, make movies, plant gravestones, enshrine icons, line halls of fame … anything to make the memory indelible.

We even make vows to help us remember. How 'bout this one: "If I forget you, Jerusalem, may my right hand forget its skill"? That's how God's people spoke when it came to remembering Jerusalem, the place of God's presence. They considered the place of His presence as their "highest joy." (Psalm 137:6) If they couldn't remember Him faithfully, they wanted every other critical life skill they could perform forgotten until the Lord’s favored land was re-established front and center in their hearts. No personal expense was to be spared when it came to remembering the LORD.

Reflect: How well are you remembering the LORD? Are you coming to Him faithfully, daily? Are you desperate enough to know Him that you would make a vow similar to the one in Psalm 137:5?

Prayer to consider today: O LORD, don't let me forget You, my Lord, no matter what else is going on. As a person so often on the move, help me make my faithful go-to moves toward You. Break me, strip me down if I can't head in Your direction. Leave me awkward, benched, unskillful if I don't follow Your coaching leads. Help me downsize all the other moves I keep trying to make. Guide me by Your Spirit.

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