Athlete, Never Thirst Again

Never Thirst Again

13,14  “Jesus answered, ‘Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.’”

John 4:13,14 (NIV)

Those words of Jesus in John 4 must be amazing to any athlete who knows the importance of fluid intake. Without water, our engines burn up, our performance suffers, and basically, we become lifeless, useless, and we expire. Enough water is crucial.

In John 4, Jesus issued six thirsty words: "Will you give me a drink?" But He never got one. It didn't really matter though; He didn't need one.

You see, it was all a setup. He was already hydrated: He just wanted to get people thinking about something else.

What Jesus really wanted others to know is that He's the ultimate hydration and life's best well. Anyone who taps into Him will never thirst. And His water will continue to spring up, filling and floating folks all the way to heaven.

How's that for eternal hydration? How's that for soul satisfaction, refreshment and renewal?

Reflect: How dry are you? How filled are you? Are you fully hydrated and receiving life-giving water from Jesus? There's no better hydration station!

A prayer to consider: Jesus, keep filling me. Take away the depletion this world brings. It tries to suck me dry. You are living water and soul refreshment. I drink of You..

Help me to keep thirsting for You above all else. Thank You for every moment You have soaked me with wisdom and perspective, truth and grace, faith, hope and love.

Thank you for putting an end to my endless thirst. You are an amazing, never-thirst-again well! Amen.

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