Athlete, This is How to Do Life

This is How to Do Life

21  “But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what they have done has been done in the sight of God.”

John 3:21 (NIV)

The more you do your sport, the more you learn how to operate.

Learning how to approach the game, how to handle yourself in many given situations, and how to succeed all get easier as you get familiar and master the fundamentals. I've been reminded of this as I've been teaching a younger colleague how to play racquetball. He's coming along beautifully!

The same holds true in our spiritual lives. In today's Scripture, Jesus outlines three life fundamentals in ten basic words. Let's check 'em out.

LIVE BY THE TRUTH: Feelings betray; truth doesn't. Truth is a Person. Measure life by Him. Know everything He says, and do it! Align here!

COME INTO THE LIGHT: Reject the appeal of darkness, of secrecy and hiding. Darkness is where condemnation and fear dwell. Step into the light where confidence and freedom dwell. Arrive here!

SEE PLAINLY: See what should be seen. Note the noteworthy. This happens automatically when we live by truth and come into the light. What God wants us to see plainly is that what we have done has really been done through Him. Adore and worship Him!

Reflect: How well are you aligning yourself with truth? Are you living by truth or feelings? What's your primary truth source? Are you living in darkness, fear or condemnation?

What's your primary light source? Are you adoring and worshiping Jesus as truth and light?

A prayer to consider: Lord Jesus, You are truth, light and vision. Thank You for telling me the truth better than anyone, bringing true light to our world, and helping me see beyond sight.

Keep me living in truth, in your marvelous light, and seeing myself, others and You as I ought. Getting to know You is my highest honor and most worthwhile pursuit. You're the best! Amen.

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