Athlete, Here is Your Best Confidence Recipe

Here is Your Best Confidence Recipe

24  “Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever hears My word and believes Him who sent Me has eternal life. He does not come into judgment, but has passed from death to life.”

John 5:24 (ESV)

I'm at the NCAA National Track and Field Championships today. College athletes galore are darting about, looking for confidence to bring to the line. Do you know where to find confidence?

Life's best confidence recipe can be found in John 5:24. I love Jesus's simple, straightforward words here! Let's take a closer look.

Three Great Confidence Gifts:

ETERNAL LIFE: God promises life beyond life to those who follow Jesus. That makes me indestructible. I'll never be sentenced to die. Think about that!

NO CONDEMNATION: Whatever happens in life now can never wreck, disqualify or imprison me forever. Guilt goes. Shame won't stick. Fear of eternal uncertainty vanishes. No fear of losing crosses my mind. That's what Jesus brings.

A CROSSOVER MOVE: The world is full of people crossing over from life to death every day. Jesus reverses the action. He moves people from inevitable death to eternal life. What a gifted move! It's the greatest crossover move ever.

Two Critical Confidence Prerequisites:

HEAR HIS WORD: Do you really know what Jesus had to say? Has your heart and mind become familiar with all of it? As you learn His Word, a great confidence will grow in you!

BELIEVE THE ONE WHO SENT HIM: Jesus is the Sent One, the Father in flesh. He's legit. The great stack of His prophetic fulfillments are spectacular and undeniable.

Do you believe and accept this Father-Son link? As you do, Christ's authority in your life will bring you great confidence.

Reflect: Are you operating in great confidence today? God has given you great reasons for confidence, so get some great self-talk going.

Are you boosting your confidence by regularly reviewing what Jesus has said (especially found in the books of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John)? Are you tying yourself tightly to Jesus as Lord, fully God, letting His authority get to you?

A Christ-centered life is a confident life.

A prayer to consider: LORD, your promises of eternal life, no condemnation, and a great crossover move through Christ are terrific. I claim these gifts afresh today. Keep building my confidence to tackle life victoriously. Jesus is the recipe. You're the BEST! Amen.

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