Athlete, Check Your Coach and Coachability

Check Your Coach and Coachability

13  "Now when they had departed, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream and said, ‘Rise, take the child and his mother, and flee to Egypt, and remain there until I tell you, for Herod is about to search for the child, to destroy him.’"

Matthew 2:13 (ESV)

In sports, there is a lot of talk about a player's coachability.

Can he be coached? Will he listen and apply? This is a crucial skill for a player and a quality we should definitely strive to enhance.

Usually it is on the player to work toward this skill set, but there is always another person involved — the coach!

Some coaches definitely make being coachable easier than others with their attitude, demeanor and approach to players. I know I look for three big markers in a coach: competence, trust and love.

COMPETENCE: I have to believe the coach knows what he is talking about! He needs to have his X's and O's sharp, and have his understanding of the game down. I don't want to follow someone who doesn't know what he is doing!

TRUST: I must feel like the coach is in it for his players, not just himself, that he wants what's best for the team and will help the team prosper and improve!

LOVE: I want to know the coach will be there. He isn't going to leave me alone and isolated. He will follow through and help all along the way. He cares for his players and the team!

Unfortunately, not all of us would use these words to describe our coaches, but we do have access to a life Coach that fulfills these criteria and much more.

COMPETENCE: One of God's “nicknames” is "Creator" (Isaiah 42:5; Genesis 1:1) He made us and everything else in existence (Colossians 1:16). He alone knows the inner workings of all creation and sees how it all relates.

TRUST: God is for us (Romans 8:31).He sees us and knows us fully and completely, yet still heals us (Isaiah 57:18). God held nothing back, not even His Son in His pursuit of us. No one deserves my deepest trust more than God.

LOVE: God isn't going anywhere! "... I will be with you. I will not leave you or forsake you." (Joshua 1:5 ESV). The Bible even says “... He cares for you!" (1 Peter 5:7). Although we were broken, sinful people, God still sent His only Son Jesus Christ to die that we may experience His love once again (Romans 5:8). His love is deeper and fuller than we know!

In Matthew 2, Joseph, Jesus' earthly father, knew all this. He believed in God's abilities, trusted Him and knew God loved him. Because of this, Joseph had no problem following his Coach's order to flee to Egypt and wait for word to return (even though it may have been years before that word came to him!). He didn’t ask questions, need all the facts or delay. He simply obeyed his Coach because he knew his Coach. A Coach that we each can know too!

Reflect: Have I trusted God to be my life coach? Am I listening to Him? Do I see these traits in God?

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