Athlete, Get to Know Your Dad

Get to Know Your Dad

17  "“I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know Him better."

Ephesians 1:17 (NIV)

One of the major things that prepped Michael Phelps for his (final?) stellar Olympics run in Rio was something that happened far away from the pool but still close to his heart. He reconciled with his dad. He committed to knowing his estranged dad better. He sought him out. He closed the gap. He forgave. In doing so, Phelps found the kind of peace that both settles a person and launches him or her even further.

Gotta ask ... Do you know your dad? To what degree do you know him? How much are you letting yourself be known by him?

Paul's prayer in today's Scripture touches me. There he expresses how much he wants others to know the “glorious Father” better. He asks God to send His Spirit to people to help them truly discover and know their ultimate Dad more.

I want that Spirit of wisdom and revelation rolling in me. Having this, helping me to know and enjoy my Heavenly Father better, sure helps me more confidently approach everything. I feel way more complete, grounded, aware and alive … like I'm getting something gold-medal good when I get to know Him better. No gaps, nothing missing in me, there is just a strong Father-son connection flowing, beautiful and unstoppable.

Reflect: How's it going with you and your “glorious Father”? Is it going well or too much gap? Is it time to close the distance and know His heart better? Are you letting God's Spirit help you break new ground in understanding Him? Are you praying Ephesians 1:17 for others?

A prayer to consider: Daddy Father, press into me by Your Spirit. I want to know You better and make You known.

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