Athlete, God is Listening to You

God is Listening to You

10,11  “I myself stayed on the mountain, as at the first time, forty days and forty nights, and the LORD listened to me that time also. The LORD was unwilling to destroy you. And the LORD said to me, ‘Arise, go on your journey at the head of the people, so that they may go in and possess the land, which I swore to their fathers to give them.’”

Deuteronomy 10:10,11 (ESV)

Sometimes we hope for a victory, dream of mastering a new level or seek after a championship. Or on a smaller level, we strive to learn a new skill, anticipate making the team or struggle to be on better terms with a teammate.

We pray and meditate on our goals and desires, putting in the required time and effort. However, we can get stuck in the waiting room of life where nothing seems to be happening.

We wonder: Is God listening?

Our Father in Heaven consistently hears our prayers, concerns and praises.

In Deuteronomy 10:10,11, God visited with Moses again, speaking directly to him. But the verses also highlight how God listens. “Listening” denotes a much more intimate interaction than simply “hearing.”

As God is so big, believing that He lends an ear to our diminutive desires seems unrealistic. However, as noted in John 9:31, the great Almighty is attentive to the hearts and minds of His people.

God cares about what matters to you. He cheers for us to succeed in the plans He has for us.

He’s with you during your worst practices and during your best games. So know that in the periods when God seems silent, He is listening to you.

In verse 11, the Lord tells Moses to go and lead the people.

God places that same calling on all of His children in the Great Commission (Matthew 28:16-20). We are sent into our mission fields -- including athletics -- to be godly leaders among our peers and to serve as Christ-like ambassadors.

God asked Moses to lead His people so they could possess their inheritance. Our missional assignment from God is to teach others of their inheritance in the Lord so they may grasp it and come to know Him.

As you head out onto the field or court, be reassured of two things. First, God hears you and listens to your prayers and concerns. He protects and guides you in your endeavors in the way a good Father would.

Second, He has a purpose for you in the sports mission field He has you in now. Regardless of the status of your personal goals, God asks you to go and lead those around you into relationship with Him.

As you listen for further guidance, step out in godly leadership.

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