Athlete, Here are Three Good Nevers

Here are Three Good Nevers

35 & 37  “Jesus said to them, ‘I am the bread of life; whoever comes to Me shall not hunger, and whoever believes in Me shall never thirst’ … ‘All that the Father gives Me will come to Me, and whoever comes to Me I will never cast out.’”

John 6:35 and 37 (ESV)

Sometimes the word ”never” is dangerous to use. When attached to the following words, it forms painful pairs:

  • Never believable
  • Never reliable
  • Never responsible
  • Never clutch
  • Never forgiving
  • Never optimistic
  • Never timely

But sometimes the word “never” is terrific to use. Jesus attaches the word “never” to form three powerful pairs in today's text. Let's take a look.

NEVER HUNGER – Jesus says that when we come to Him, we will not go away hungry.

That means there is rich food served each time I visit Jesus. He fully feeds hearts and minds. His kitchen never closes. So the more I visit, the better I am fed. Come and get it!

NEVER THIRST – Jesus says that when we believe in Him, we will never thirst. That means He hydrates souls like no other.

That means His fountain never runs dry. So the more I trust Him, the more my soul-longings are quenched.

NEVER REJECTED – Jesus says that when we come to Him, He never turns us away. That means that in His presence, my fears of rejection cease.

So the more I involve Him in each area of my life, the more I will see all my rejection fears overcome.

Reflect: Are you living life hungrier and thirstier than you need to be? Are you struggling with any feelings of rejection right now? Jesus says three words to you. Come. Believe. Come.

A prayer to consider: Lord Jesus, You are the bread of life. I praise You for every moment where You have fed and hydrated me. Oh, how I praise You for not rejecting me! Your “nevers” are so sweet and strong to me.

Keep feeding me by your Word and through your Spirit. Hydrate my heart. Hem me in. Release me from all my rejection fears. I come. I believe. I come. Amen.

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