Athlete, It Is a Package Deal

It Is a Package Deal

13  "And you also were included in Christ when you heard the message of truth, the gospel of your salvation. When you believed, you were marked in Him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit."

Ephesians 1:13 (NIV)

When a man or woman joins a team, he or she gets a contract and is issued a uniform. That's the core of the package: money and membership. Anything else that comes his or her way is secondary. Any other packaging centers around these two things. This is the way it rolls in the military, in pro sports, in business, in life.

When God saves a man or woman, when that one enters into God's family, he or she also gets two core things: new identity and new power. The package deal centers around these two things.

  • IDENTITY – There's more to me than there used to be. I'm “included in Christ.” When God sees me, He sees Jesus. Old is gone. New is come. I belong to Someone much bigger, much grander than me. I assume His divine nature and noble role. (Does this take your breath away? Does this make you see yourself way differently?)

  • EMPOWERMENT – There's a power in me that's beyond myself. The Spirit of Christ marks me, indwells me, seals me. That means He brings “belonging” power, “togetherness” power and “inheritance” power. What He did, He wants me to do by His Spirit. (Can you feel your confidence rise?)

When trouble hits and foundations shake, remember what God says in Ephesians 1:13. Recall the package deal you get when you follow Christ: an unreal “contract,” a terrific team “uniform,” and an identity and empowerment that's unsurpassed.

Reflect: Are you trusting Him with your identity? Are you trusting Him for power in life?

A prayer to consider: O LORD, what high honor it is to be included in Christ, on that team and to be seen as Jesus. Thank You for the gift of Your indwelling Spirit. Empower me to be Your hands and feet today. Make me confident in You – to Whom I belong, in my mission and in the package deal You amazingly bring to all who follow You.

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