Athlete, Know what You need to Know

Know what You need to Know

7,8  “He said to them: ‘It is not for you to know the times or dates the Father has set by His own authority. But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be My witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”

Acts 1:7,8 (NIV)

Legendary NY Yankees catcher Yogi Berra tickled many with a host of one-liners throughout his Hall of Fame baseball career. Here is one of his crazy classics: “It ain’t over til it’s over.”

That reminds me ...

Once upon a time, I coached a game where we miserably trailed 54-23 several minutes into the second half of a big rivalry game. Over the final 17:09 of the contest we scored 78 points to win in regulation.

What a wild ballgame! I watched something similar happen again last night. It ain’t over til it’s over.

Yogi’s right. Oh, how often we think we know! And we set our course accordingly, only to be surprised. Perhaps we’re not as good at knowing as we think we are.

Jesus offers some terrific help in this area. Interested in knowing His thoughts? Three of them unfold in today’s Scripture.

NOT NOW: First, Jesus said that some things (like our restoration and His return) are never to be fully known until it’s time. Can we find simple rest in this? Some things don’t need to be known now.

Then He said there’s a pair of things we can know now:

POWER: Jesus wants us to experientially know His power, to have it at work in us as well. He doesn’t invite us to grasp for it.

Grasping for power is dangerous. It’s way better handled when it’s granted instead. Power received, not power sought, is the proper path.

Jesus links power to a Person. Power is received through the Person of the Holy Spirit.

This Spirit of Christ enacts the power transfers. And they’re way better than the other ways we pursue it.

So rely on the Spirit for power needed. He’s great at giving it.

MISSION. Jesus wants us to know our mission too. He doesn’t leave us clueless to fully define our own. He declares it straight up. No matter what we do for a living, this is it: “Be My witnesses.”

So here are the takeaways:

  • There are some things we don’t have to figure out now … but will know one day. So hang in there.
  • Power is best received. So don’t grasp for it by other means.
  • Power is a Person. So let the Spirit come. Move when He moves.
  • “Be His witness” is our mission. No matter what you do, where you go, what you say, fulfill this.

Reflect: What might you need to stop trying to figure out so much? Where do you find power for living? How would you describe your life mission?

A prayer to consider: LORD, Your words are so life-giving to me. Keep feeding me, teaching me what I need to know now and don’t need to know yet.

Thank You for bringing power and purpose into my life through Your Word and Your Spirit. I worship and honor You. Amen.

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