Athlete, Know when Losing is Winning

Know when Losing is Winning

39  “Whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for My sake will find it.”

Matthew 10:39 (ESV)

Take a long look at these 18 epic words. There’s something striking here - a pair of counter-intuitive laws at work. The first signals a betraying disaster. The other smells strangely wonderful, like an unlikely, almost impossible win is actually on the way.

Jesus declares a surprising way to win, a surefire path to victory in life. He wants us to understand that real life lies in giving, not keeping, others-discovery over self-discovery, dying before living.

And His bottom line becomes this: When we lose ourselves to a cause greater than ourselves, we find ourselves. Self-fulfillment is found in Him. Answers come from above before within.

So let’s play on according to these huge pivot points:

  1. FINDING IS LOSING. Both Solomon and Mick Jagger are right. The scramble to feed and fatten ourselves never really satisfies. It's a chasing after the wind.

  2. LOSING IS FINDING. Surrender is the key to victory. Self-sacrifice paves the way. A life built for others truly, ultimately wins.

  3. ”FOR HIS SAKE” KEYS THE WIN. Having a right “why” in place drives fulfillment to the max. Our greatest motivation for living a life of sacrificial service is Him.


  • Where are you spending more time and energy -- in finding or losing?
  • Ponder this quote: "He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose." (Jim Elliot) It’s worth memorizing along with Matthew 10:39.
  • How much playing time is the line “for Jesus sake” getting in your life?

A prayer to consider: LORD, Your words are life! Help me to loosen my grip on my life and on the need for me to fulfill me. Grant me courage to die to self and live for You today.

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