Athlete, Know Who This is About

Know Who This is About

3,4  "For, being ignorant of the righteousness of God, and seeking to establish their own, they did not submit to God's righteousness. For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone who believes."

Romans 10:3,4 (ESV)

Selfishness and an over-abundance of inward thinking easily deteriorates a team's ability to be successful. We can have four guys all on the same page, but if one isn't buying in and putting his personal agenda aside, the team will struggle. It creates division and strife among the team members and can even be contagious as others slowly start looking out for only themselves as well.

This can be a tough battle to fight with teammates and within ourselves. As high-level competitors, we want to build something of ourselves and leave a legacy. We want nets cut and banners hung! But the reality is, those goals don't get accomplished if we set out to do it alone. We need to open our eyes and see the work being done around us and our need for others.

We can also get caught up in this mindset when it comes to our relationship with God. I hear of godly men like John Newton, Jonathan Edwards and John Piper and the work God did/does in their lives, and I want that! I want to experience God's blessings. So I convince myself I can please God with more Bible-reading, praying, sermon-listening and worship-singing — thinking He will be happy with me and bless me as a result.

But you see what happens, I wind up making my spiritual disciplines all about ME and basically remove HIM!

I become the center and so do my wants and desires. These are all great practices turned sour when the focus comes off of God and onto me. I’m marginalizing the One my life is all about: Jesus Christ. He is the One Who saves (Romans 10:9) and secures real righteousness for those who believe (Romans 10:4).

Praise God! Because on my own I never have a legitimate chance to become righteous in God’s eyes.

The work is completed. I simply need to trust in my “Teammate” and know He never forgets a block-out, makes a poor decision, or misses a shot! Let me continue in those disciplines in order to know Him more, emulate Him more and love Him more.

The funny thing is, the more we submit to a team mentality, the more likely everyone looks better, and big wins occur. God promises similar results: The more I look and trust in Christ's righteousness, the more I will see God's blessings and His work in my life (Matthew 6:33).

Reflect: Do you have any hidden agendas that put you in the center at the expense of others or God? How are you doing with submitting, with trusting in work done by others or done by Christ?

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