Athlete, Live Above Circumstances

Live Above Circumstances

25  “About midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the other prisoners were listening to them.”

Acts 16:25 (NIV)

Life has a way of dealing out some pretty tough hands sometimes. We don’t always like the cards we’re given. A longer than expected losing streak, a severe illness or injury, limited “playing time,” broken relationship, financial trouble, death of a loved one … all are examples of some pretty tough circumstances.

Imprisonment can be a tough hand to hold too. In Acts 16, two godly men, Paul and Silas, find themselves facing unjustified, unspecified jail time. They were put behind bars after being severely beaten too.

Yet Scripture points out that they were praying and singing aloud at midnight. This means two men were living above circumstances, not just in circumstances. And within the day they were miraculously released, and others were saved too. (Read Acts 16 and see the story’s strong finish!)

Indeed, praying and singing spiritual songs lifts us. It gets us up and keeps us up. We get needed separation from circumstances and soar in spirit when we pray and sing. These two expressions have a terrific way of setting us free no matter what kind of jail time we’re facing and however we got there.

Reflect: Are you facing any kind of “jail time” currently? Got a buddy to sing and pray with? What are your go-to songs?

A prayer to consider: LORD, keep a song in my heart and prayer on my lips. I want to live above circumstances, not just in circumstances. I want to live free for Your glory and my joy. Amen.

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