Athlete, The Royal Horn is Raised

The Royal Horn is Raised

14  "And He has raised up for His people a horn, the praise of all His faithful servants, of Israel, the people close to His heart. Praise the LORD."

Psalm 148:14 (NIV)

When a horn sounds in sports, it signals something important. It either signals the time play starts or the time play ends. In some sports, whistles, guns or flags are used as substitutes to do the declaring. Fire is also used as a signal. Case in point, the Olympics. A big flame starts and ends it all. Whatever the signal, it trumpets something significant has been/is/will be happening.

When God says He “raised up a horn for His people,” He was signaling something significant – a great start, a final end, a special moment. It had to do with something really ROYAL.

  • GREAT START. Horns sounding traditionally signal the arrival of a king. God raised up His horn and blew it loud for all to hear. He heralded a coming King to rule and reign, coach and heal, redeem and rescue, love and lead people. He sounded it to announce to the world a better way through a Redeemer King. Who is this King? Jesus. His introduction becomes gold-medal good to all who follow Him. A brand new end awaits.

  • FINAL END. No longer would men have to fight for their own justice, freedom, right standing, worth. The end of endless self-justification had come. Peace, healing and restoration had come too. This King insured it. He was an Emancipator. Victory was won. For freedom is not found by toppling all kings, but by establishing one good One in the heart. His rule of loving sacrifice, selfless service and perfect justice grips His people to live in endless devotion.

  • SPECIAL MOMENT. The moments become special and precious every time we bow before this King. Everything becomes clearer, sharper, more settled when this King is acknowledged as LORD. Our praise flows in the best direction, and our purpose gets found in living for the One who died for us.

Reflect: Have you heard God's royal horn sound? Are you heralding this King? Are you experiencing great starts and restarts in life or stuck in a self-centered spin cycle, living without a true King to help you? Are you putting an end to the worship of other kings, including yourself and bowing to the real King in every area of your life?

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