Athlete, This is How We Praise the Lord

This is How We Praise the Lord

6  "Let everything that has breath praise the LORD. Praise the LORD."

Psalm 150:6 (NIV)

It sure feels great to let loose after a great performance. Can you see yourself in such a joyful moment -- having an unbridled shout of joy crack the air over triumph achieved, victory won, accomplishment realized, honor given? It seems just right. And praising others in the process is the way to go. While joy gets expressed in many ways, praise finds a way to complete it. Indeed, praise completes the joy.

That's why Psalm 150 was written. It's the last one in a long parade of great expressions of heart before God. Praise headlines the theme, dominates the action, closes the book. God wanted His people to let loose, to find joy in every possible way by praising Him and completing their joy.

Here, our LORD teaches us four simple things about praising Him:

  • WHERE (v1) — Praise should fill His house and fill the air everywhere. Does it? Do we really bring it?
  • WHY (v2) — God's power and surpassing greatness is on display in and around us. His creation and redemption alone prove this. Can we see it? How can we be silent before this?
  • HOW (v3-5) — Express joy and praise to God with anything in your hands, any skill achieved, with music, dance, song. How many ways are you and I manifesting His praise?
  • WHO (v6) — Everything alive and breathing should let loose in praise to the LORD. If you've got a pulse, praise Him!

Prayer to consider today: LORD, in You I live and move and have my being. In You is fullness of joy. Your praise completes my joy in living. I praise You for making me, saving me, redeeming me, keeping me, showing me Yourself in amazing ways day after day. Endless thanks and praise to You!

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