Athlete, We are Richer than We Think

We are Richer than We Think

8,9  "With all wisdom and understanding, He made known to us the mystery of His will according to His good pleasure, which He purposed in Christ,"

Ephesians 1:8,9 (NIV)

Ever discovered that you had more than you thought? Most of the time it goes the other way, especially when it comes to time, talents and treasure. We say we never have enough time to spend on what we'd like, never have quite enough talent to make it, or never have enough in our wallets to do what we want to do.

Here's a story for you ...

Once upon a time I invested $1,000 in a new medical equipment company's stock. I did my homework, prayed a little and went for it. It was a bit risky but that's the way it goes with emerging, penny stocks sometimes. I gave it time and within about two years the stock tripled. Then it quickly reversed til the bottom fell out, the total value shrinking to $63. It stayed there motionless, with barely a pulse for a very long time.

I ignored the stock because the value needle never seemed to move thereafter. It was hardly worth the trouble to figure out how to cash in the stock, I thought. So I just forgot about it and took my lumps.

Twelve years and two locations later, out of the blue, a bank I never used helped me discover my worthless stock again. Its value had skyrocketed, now well over 300 times its bottom price. I was way richer than I thought. I cashed in the stock and used it to buy land to build a wonderful house for my family.

This story is like God. When it comes to His grace, we think we're impoverished, scared we don't have enough, but never really checking our account. We live off presumed scraps. In fact, we have far more from Him than we think. The Scriptures repeatedly say that God LAVISHES grace upon us. And it's given in accordance with His riches, which is an endless supply, never exhausted! That's a lot of grace. We're richer than we think.

And one more thing. He puts a cherry on top. Today's Word declares that God adds wisdom and understanding to our account too, not just grace. When we get deposits of His grace, we get deposits of wisdom and understanding thrown in too. What a priceless deal!

Yes, there's more in our accounts than we think. May this help you operate with confidence in facing your future. So charge ahead. God's deposited plenty of grace, wisdom and understanding for the taking.

Prayer to consider today: LORD, thank you for Your bottomless gifts bestowed upon me. You are rich in grace and mercy and apply them to me over and over. I'm grateful for the boundless wisdom and understanding You provide too. Help me draw on these accounts and confidently build something special for You all my days.

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