Athlete, We Need Open Heart Surgery

We Need Open Heart Surgery

14  “The Lord opened her heart to respond to Paul's message.”

Acts 16:14 (NIV)

It’s interesting to see how the word “open” attaches itself to the word “heart” when surgery is involved. We probably use the term “open heart surgery” more often than the term “heart surgery,” don’t we?

But we don’t add the word “open” to other surgical procedures. We don’t call it open eye surgery, open knee surgery, or open lung surgery. Interesting! This is a profound mystery.

Of all the times and places where an “open heart” procedure is needed, it is with the Lord. That is when He does his best work and performs miracles in us and through us.

When we open our hearts to Him, He gets them beating right with Him and bleeding well for others, even for folks we might not normally be attracted to. When we open our hearts to the Lord, we become truly healthy, whole, powerful, useful.

So bring an open heart, not just an open mind, to the Lord. Let Him open yours.

Lydia, the woman whose heart was opened to the Lord in Acts 16:14, became a blessing to many as a result. Untold blessings await as we do the same.

Reflect: How open is your heart to spiritual things? Like Lydia, how open is your heart to those who appear to be different than you?

An open heart to God produces an open heart and open hands with others. This kind of openness brings world-class, world-changing oneness. So make sure you schedule this kind of surgical procedure … as often as every day.

A prayer to consider: LORD, my heart opens wide to You. Open my heart wide toward others too, even those unlovely to me. I want to live wide open to them as well (2 Corinthians 6:11-13). Help me to love what You love.

Keep performing open heart surgery on me for Your glory and my emancipation and joy in You. Amen.

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