Athlete, Take a Timeout

Take a Timeout

34  “Then the King will say to those on His right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world.'”

Matthew 25:34 (NIV)

Like hitting a late game three-ball from long range forces a timeout in a close game, Jesus scores a big bucket late in the book of Matthew through this teaching. He wants us to call a timeout and assess our life situation with Him. Here’s what I believe He wants us to understand:

  1. THE KING SEES AND SEPARATES. Check out the context of this Scripture (vv. 31-33). Christ sees the difference between the contenders and pretenders, the sheep and the goats. In the end He will divide them based upon how they treated Him (directly AND indirectly through others -- both actions and motives will count). There is no fooling Him. So let’s go full out. Truly accept, honor and follow Him (John 10:27-28). Be seen, separated and shifted to the right.

  2. THE KING WELCOMES. Make no mistake about it, God welcomes people into His kingdom. Athlete, He invites and He blesses those who move toward Him, who seek His company. He leaves no doubt about where He stands regarding those who come. No other religion makes this welcoming, confident claim. Bask in the exclusive welcome.

  3. THE KING PREPARES TO SHARE. As King, Christ has prepared His kingdom to be shared. He’s planned out His inheritance and it includes us. Our inheritance is not His reluctant afterthought. This King royally gives both OUT OF His riches (Ephesians 3:16) and ACCORDING TO His riches (Philippians 4:19) … and loves doing it. What a giver! Jesus gave … and keeps on giving. What blessed benevolence is ours because Jesus prepares to share!

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