Kevin Durant Reminds Us We Can Make a Choice

Kevin Durant Reminds Us We Can Make a Choice

During a recent post game interview, Kevin Durant openly voiced his opinion to fans who complain that the NBA Playoffs have been predictable and boring due to the many lopsided blowouts.

“If you don’t like it, don’t watch it,” he suggested.

Though it seems that a matchup pitting the Cleveland Cavaliers and the Golden State Warriors for the 3rd-consecutive year in the NBA Finals is inevitable, direct comments like that can hardly be music to the ears of NBA brass who seek to benefit financially from increased viewership and an engaging, fan-friendly brand.

In an attempt to re-explain his remarks, the All-Star forward reasserted,

“I mean, life can be simple...If you don't like the way the game is going, just turn it off. If you're enjoying it, just keep it on. Life is simple. I didn't mean it to disrespect anybody, but if you felt disrespected, I'm sorry. But if you don't enjoy the game, turn it off [and] turn something else on. If you do, enjoy the rest of it, man."

Our world is driven by sound bites. And though the media frenzies over whatever verbal nugget they can curate, leverage, prooftext, and transform into whatever direction they want to take it, Durant’s advice is right on—as far as life goes.

Life is indeed simple. It’s a beautiful thing. It’s not overly complicated. As long as you’re not a slave, you have choices in life, and having a personal CHOICE is a powerful, liberating, and humbling responsibility.

If you don’t like the path you’re on, you can change it. If you’re stifled by the present, you can find a new way. If you don’t like your past, you can forge a new future. If you’re stuck in a dead-end job, look in the mirror and chart a new course. If you’re tired of being second string, be willing to do more reps to improve. If there’s a relational divide between loved ones, make the first move to close that gap.

Are there complications layered into this simplicity? Of course. But don’t miss the point. Ultimately, YOU hold responsibility for your actions (Luke 12:36) and responses, and moreover, ultimately one day you will give an account (Romans 14:10, 12) for those choices and the way your life was actively or inactively lived out.

Just as KD modeled by changing teams from Oklahoma City to Golden State in the offseason, if you don’t like your surroundings or the results you’re experiencing, you can either change your perspective or change your environment—but the choice is yours to make.
