The Importance of Asking "Why Not Us?"

The Importance of Asking "Why Not Us?"

The Final Four is set for Saturday, and unfortunately my bracket didn’t include any of these teams.

Nonetheless, I’ve enjoyed the tournament and I’m very intrigued with the surprising runs that No. 3 seeded Oregon and No. 7 seeded South Carolina have made.

I’d also extend that intrigue to Gonzaga, despite having a No. 1 seed, because this is their first time making the Final Four and it’s been hard to predict how good they really are throughout the season. Then we have UNC—who we know is always tough—with Luke Maye making one of the best shots of the tournament to beat Kentucky.

Since UNC was in this situation last year, it’s not unexpected that they’ve made it this far, but for the other three teams, the mantra has been, “Why not us?”

South Carolina star, Sindarius Thornwell, said, “We’re not going to settle for this. We’re still going into that [Final Four] game thinking we can win. Why not? Why not us? Why not go win it all? That’s our mindset. We feel like we can compete with anybody right now in the country.”

What a great mentality to have! When teams start thinking there’s no reason it can’t be their year to win, it removes the barriers and doubts that prevent them from being champions. They refuse to go home and watch someone else “make a run.”

With the NCAA Tournament filled with motivation and inspiration, it makes sense that the “Why not us?” attitude really resonates with teams wanting to win the tournament. But, what if this attitude translated to our own lives?

I think too often we buy the lie that we can’t do something or that someone else will do what we should do. Instead of seeing someone in need and thinking, “I sure hope someone helps them,” we should say, “Why not us?”

Rather than believing someone else will be the one who makes the effort, someone else who gives sacrificially, someone else who accomplishes the impossible, we should declare, “Why not us?” and take steps toward that end.

Jesus wants His followers to do incredible work on His behalf to serve others and bring Him honor. When we submit to Him by letting go of our pride and fear, and start saying, “Why not us,” we will be amazed by what God will do in us and through us.

Isn’t it time to stop counting on other people to do what we’re supposed to do? Wouldn’t it feel great to stop watching someone else “make a run.”

Jesus says in John 14:12, “Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever believes in Me will also do the works that I do; and greater works than these will he do, because I am going to the Father.”

God is powerful and wants to use us to make a difference in the lives of others while accomplishing His will on earth. With His help, we can do something extraordinary—something that will have tremendous impact and eternal value.

When we believe in Jesus and recognize He lives within us, we can boldly claim, “Why not us?”

PRAYER: Heavenly Father, thank you for allowing me to be used by You for Your glory. I pray that You would remove my doubt, fear and pride, and replace it with a boldness and attitude that I can do great things with Your power and strength. I pray I would be focused on serving others instead of expecting someone else to do what You’re asking me to do. Thank you for Your grace. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.

Check out more from Bryce Johnson on sports, faith, and life at Unpackin’It
