The Leader’s Guide to
"Knowing God Personally - Reconciled Into God's Family"

The most effective way to share the "Knowing God Personally – Reconciled into God’s Family” is to engage in meaningful dialogue with the person you are witnessing to. Maintain good eye contact and body language as you read the text, ask questions, and listen for their answers. This will help to ensure an authentic experience between you and the person you are introducing to the living Savior Jesus Christ. Keep in mind that this is not an impersonal presentation of religious ideas and belief systems.

With this in mind, it’s important to understand key points to each of the four principles outlined in the KGP-Reconciled. Questions and examples are listed below to help you make the truth of the gospel clear and more relatable. Committing them to memory will give you confidence in your presentation to weigh whether or not the people you’re speaking with understand the gospel.

What follows is the word-for-word text of the main points of this tool. Each main point, question and example is inserted in this presentation at the exact point where you would ask it..

1. God's Perspective

God loves you and created you in his image. He wants you to know Him personally and be part of his family, so that you may experience the love and freedom He offers.

God’s Love and Freedom

Read: “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:16

Main Point: God’s love for people isn’t just a general truth floating out there in the universe, nor is it only measured by the “blessings” we experience in life. It is more than just a “feeling.” Many who have grown up in church have been told their whole lives that God loves them. Show them God’s love is tangible, a specific action that came at an immense cost. God’s love can be measured in one word: sacrifice.

Jesus loves you enough to die for you in order to save your life. He loved us as individuals enough that He gave up Jesus, His only Son, to be in relationship with us.

  • Question: “How do you think God shows or proves His love to you?”
  • Question: “Share with me about one person in your life who loves you unconditionally. How has that person proven his or her love to you?”
  • Question: “Do you think ‘sacrifice’ is a good way to describe this person’s love?”

God’s love for us is unconditional and He created us to know Him and live in freedom from shame, isolation, and meaninglessness. (Galatians 5:1)

  • Question: How would you define freedom?”

The freedom we often talk about is the ability to do whatever we want. God offers us freedom to be who He created us to be, to love Him and others, to be in community with others, and serve Him. He offers freedom from: shame from our sins, isolation and loneliness, and meaninglessness.

God's Good Creation

Read: “So God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.” Genesis 1:27
“God saw all that he had made, and it was very good.” Genesis 1:31

God created everything and made it good. In a unique way, God displays His image in men and women from every ethnicity and culture. He created us to be a reflection of Himself in the world. This gives each person tremendous and inherent dignity and value. God created us to live out this identity in the context of a family that is much larger than our biological family.

Main point: God’s image is reflected in people - in men and women of all ethnicities and cultures, giving all people incredible value and worth. Due to global injustices (intentional and unintentional), the racial divides and prejudices that exist inside and outside the church, it is imperative to remind people that God created them and loves them – not in spite of their skin color or culture, but because they are exactly as He created them. Our skin color and culture is a part of God’s image expressed in us..

  • Question: How does “being made in God’s image” give us value and significance?

It shows us what something or someone looks like. It is not the original person or place, but gives us a glimpse of what it/they are like. Similarly, we are not God, but God has created us to be a picture of Himself in the world. This gives us great purpose and responsibility.

  • Question: How does “being made in God’s image” give us value and significance?

It provides meaning to our very humanity. It answers the question, “Who am I?” We are not simply what we do (an athlete, a student, a musician, a businessman, a teacher, etc.) We are all God’s image bearers; His reflection in the world. It speaks to God’s love and value of us that He would make us in His own image and allow us to reflect Him.

  • Question: Have you ever struggled to believe that you (your personality, your ethnicity, your culture) are created by God and a reflection of who He is?
“And this is eternal life, that they know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent.” John 17:3

Main Point: Typically when people are asked what God’s plan is for their lives, they think about where they'll be in five years (career, relationship status, etc.). It's true, God cares about our lives, but those future plans are not relevant for this discussion. Focus on God’s plan to know us personally and for eternity, to be in intimate relationship with us.

  • Question: "According to this verse, how is eternity defined?”

Example: When a colon is used in a sentence, it is often used almost as a description of something. A sentence starts with a statement like “now this is eternal life” then a colon, now comes the description of eternal life “that they may know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent” God’s plan is to be in relationship with us through Christ. Our eternal life starts with a relationship with Christ starts, and that will be in place for eternity.

Summary: God loves us and created us with infinite value and dignity. His love is tangible and sacrificial, and He desire for us to live in freedom as part of His family. If anyone ever asks, “How do you know God loves you?” we can respond by saying that he sent Jesus to die for us.

  • Transition - Question: What prevents us from knowing God and experiencing love and freedom as a part of His family?”

2. Our Condition

We are all sinners. Sin is part of the human condition that keeps us from knowing God, being part of his family, and experiencing his love and freedom.


Sin is not merely the actions we do but also our innate desire to take the place of God. It is the desire to be in complete, independent control. God created people to be in relationship with Himself, with other people, and to reflect Him in the world. Our sin breaks these relationships and keeps us from reflecting God in the world. An attitude of active rebellion, passive indifference, death, brokenness, and suffering we endure regularly are all evidence of what the bible calls sin.

Main Point: Sin is not just a list of do’s and don'ts. Sin is a heart issue of rebellion that separates us from God that needs to be addressed. Sin matters, and sin separates us from God and us from others.

  • Question: How would you define sin? - See where they are in their understanding.
  • Question: What is this description of sin saying it truly is? Do you see a list of do’s and don’ts here.
  • Question: What do you think a description or example of active rebellion toward God would be.
  • Question: What do you think a description or example of passive indifference toward God would be?.

Example: Active rebellion and passive indifference can be exemplified by interactions between athletes and coaches. Not showing up for practice, breaking team rules, or showing blatant disrespect with their words or actions demonstrates active rebellion. Athletes silently deciding that they don’t need to listen to the coach, ignoring their training program, or doing what they think is best are examples of passive indifference. We can interact with God the same ways.

People are Sinful and Separated

“All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” Romans 3:23
  • Question: “Have you ever sinned?” - They need to realize their need for a redeemer. Without realizing the state of their own sin/separation from God, they won’t realize the need for the gospel.
  • Question: "Who is on the list of people that fall short of the glory of God?” - Make your list of people diverse - Michael Jordan, Ghandi, Hitler, Mother Teresa, me, etc.

Example: Sin is an old archery term - missing the mark. God’s “mark” is perfection for us (as He is perfect and holy). We chose imperfection/rebellion by doing our own thing, and there’s a penalty for that.

“For the wages of sin is death.” Romans 6:23
  • Question: What does the word “wages” mean?
  • What have we earned for being sinners toward God? (Answer: Death)
  • Question: If we all fall short of the glory of God, and the wages of sin is death, what do we all deserve?

Our sin not only brings physical death but it also separates us from God and excludes us from His family.

People separated are from God

Read: This diagram illustrates that God is holy and people are sinful. A great gulf separates the two. The bar graph illustrates that people are continually trying to reach God and establish the personal relationship with Him through our own efforts - but we inevitably fail.

  • Question: Why do you think things like a good life (or being a good person), philosophy and even religion would fail in trying to reach God?

Example: Let’s say we measure how good someone is based on their vertical leap. If that’s the case, then obviously LeBron James would be a “better person” than me. However, if we were both trying to jump to the moon, which one of us would make it? It would be silly to try, right? The same could be said for people trying to be good enough for God. The distance (sin) between our goodness and a perfect God is insurmountable.

Example: Religion is man’s self-focused, self-reliant, construct of traditions, rules, regulations and measurements to try and reach God. Religion as an institution is different than a relationship with Christ.

Transition: The third principle explains the only way to bridge this divide.

Our sin can also lead to shame, isolation from others, and a lack of purpose and meaning in our lives.

How does God address our sin?

3. God's Response


Main Point: Nothing else makes sense for dealing with the penalty of sin (what’s wrong with us) outside of the life, death and resurrection of Christ. Show why each of those three aspects of Jesus is specific, intentional and significant in redemption. No other religion solves the problem the way God did with Jesus.

Jesus was sinless and died in our place

“[Jesus] committed no sin, neither was deceit found in His mouth.” 1 Peter 2:22
“...we have one [Jesus] who has been tempted in every way, just as we are—yet he did not sin.” Hebrews 4:15

Only Jesus Christ was able to pay the penalty for our sins because He is perfect and free from sin.

  • Question: "Tell me what you know about Jesus” - This is an assessment of what they know.
  • Question: "What do you think is important about the life of Jesus?” – He proved that He was sinless and perfect. His righteousness was earned over a measurable lifetime of 33 years. He set an example for believers in relationship and reliance on the Heavenly Father.
“But God shows His love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” Romans 5:8
  • Question: “Why is the death of Jesus significant?” - Nothing less would be an acceptable payment when the penalty of sin is death (spiritual separation from God).

Example: You’re in a courtroom and a judge tells you that you owe $500 to the court for you to be set free. If you offer $300, will you go free? No. $500 or no deal. Nothing less. Imagine that Jesus decided to pay your $500 for you. Similarly, this is what God did to save our lives. God showed the depth of His love for us by having His Son, Jesus, pay the ultimate cost, die a physical, excruciating death, take on the sin of the world and experience God’s wrath in our place.

He gave us His righteousness/perfection, like garments to put on and wear. We are now “hitting the mark” of perfection because Christ hit the mark for us.

Jesus Is The Only One & The Only Way

"Christ died for our sins … He was buried … He was raised on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures, and that He appeared to Cephas, then to the twelve. Then He appeared to more than five hundred…” 1 Corinthians 15:3-6
“Jesus said to him, ‘I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.’” John 14:6

Jesus’ resurrection from the dead shows that He has power over death so He can offer us eternal life with God.

This is historical verification. He showed up and proved His resurrection to individuals who were named, and to over 500 others.

  • Question: Why is the resurrection of Christ significant?” - He proved He was the Son of God. Death is conquered and no longer a part of the equation. Jesus lives forever, and so do we?”
"Jesus said to him, ‘I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.’” John 14:6
  • Question: "Why is this verse so controversial? What makes you uncomfortable about what Jesus says here?"

Example: At first glance, this verse can appear exclusive, but in fact, it is actually inclusive. If Jesus said that only a certain gender, or a certain ethnicity who believed in Him can come to the Father, that would be exclusive. Why? It would exclude everyone else. Jesus does not say that.

Jesus makes a way

It doesn't matter if you’re male or female, what your ethnic background is, your physical presentation, who your parents are, what religion you were born into, or where you’re from. All that matters is putting faith in Him. It’s what makes the gospel beautiful and inclusive.

Read: This diagram illustrates that God has bridged the gulf that separates us from Him by sending His Son, Jesus Christ, to die on the cross in our place to pay the penalty for our sins. Instead of leaving the impossible act of redemption up to us, God handled the problem Himself by sending Jesus. He came to us.

Jesus Brings Reconciliation and Adoption

Jesus’s death and resurrection gives us the opportunity to have a relationship with God. But that is not all Jesus came to do. His death and resurrection also allow us to be reconciled with others and have restored relationships as we are adopted into the multi-ethnic, multi-cultural family of God. (Ephesians 2:14-18)

Transition: It is not enough just to know these truths.

What do we need to do in order to be in relationship with God, be adopted into his family, and accept the love and freedom He offers?

4. Our Response

We must individually receive Jesus Christ as Savior. Only then can we be in relationship with God and experience his love and freedom as part of His family.

Main Point: It’s not enough to believe in God and/or understand conceptually what Jesus has accomplished by dying on the Cross for our sins. There needs to be a personal acceptance of what God says is true and an agreement to give your life to Him.

We must receive Christ

“But to all who did receive Him, who believed in His name, He gave the right to become children of God,” John 1:12

We have not just been saved from the penalty of sin, but we have been welcomed into the family of God as heirs. The adoption papers have been sealed and stamped with His promise, even as flawed and unworthy people.

We receive Christ through faith

"For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast.” Ephesians 2:8,9

There is nothing we can do to earn a relationship with God, but it is by grace (an undeserved, unearned gift) because of faith (trusting in God) that we can be saved (rescued from the penalty of our sin and brought into a relationship with God).

  • Question: "How would you define the word grace?” – Grace is the giving of something valuable that is unmerited, unwarranted, unearned and free.

Example: Let’s say you don’t own a car, so you borrow a family member’s car to run to the grocery store. On the way, you crash the car. Instead of making you pay for the damages, your family member tells you that you owe them nothing. That is mercy, withholding the punishment you deserve. Next, your family member decides to buy you a new car. That is grace, getting a gift that you do not deserve.

  • Question: "It says we receive our salvation through faith, what is your definition or understanding of what faith is?”

The Bible contains a clear definition of faith in Hebrews 11:1: “Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.” Simply put, the biblical definition of faith is “trusting in something you cannot explicitly prove.”

This definition of faith contains two aspects: intellectual assent and trust. Intellectual assent is believing something to be true. Trust is actually relying on the fact that the something is true. A chair is often used to help illustrate this. Intellectual assent is recognizing that a chair is a chair and agreeing that it is designed to support a person who sits on it. Trust is actually sitting in the chair.

Understanding these two aspects of faith is crucial. Many people believe certain facts about Jesus Christ. Many people will intellectually agree with the facts the Bible declares about Jesus. But knowing those facts to be true is not what the Bible means by “faith.” The biblical definition of faith requires intellectual assent to the facts and trust in the facts.

Reminder: Being saved does not come from ourselves.

Example: We do not get to walk around heaven holding a “good actions” resume that shows our qualifications for making it in. We all carry the same resume, that resume says “Jesus” on it. That’s it! We have done nothing to earn it.

We experience love and freedom when we receive Christ

[Jesus speaking] “I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.” John 10:10

Our relationship with God provides forgiveness instead of shame, a family instead of isolation, and purpose instead of meaninglessness.

We Enter the Family of God When We Receive Christ

“So then you are no longer strangers and aliens, but you are fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God” Ephesians 2:19

When we receive Christ by faith, we are adopted into a multi-ethnic, multi-cultural family of God where everyone uniquely reflects God’s image and is united by Christ.

The family of God is defined not by biology or someone else’s decisions, but by our response to a relationship with God. God’s family is beautifully diverse and is intended to be a family of people from all ethnicities and cultures who are trusting in Jesus, experiencing God’s love together, serving one another, and reflecting Him in the world.

We Receive Christ by Personal Invitation

“Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him” (Revelation 3:20). - Jesus is ready and waiting to be in relationship with you.

Read: Receiving Christ involves turning to God from self (repentance) and trusting Christ to come into our lives to forgive us of our sins and to make us what He wants us to be. Just to agree intellectually that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and that He died on the cross for our sins is not enough. Nor is it enough to have an emotional experience. We receive Jesus Christ by faith, as an act of our will.

Example: Receiving Jesus Christ is an act of will. Similarly, when two people say their wedding vows, it is an intentional relationship choice, an act of the will. It is a decision to love the other. But making a commitment to the marriage means that the two people will stay in the marriage and be committed to making it a good marriage, whether or not the love emotions are there. Emotions come and go and cannot be relied upon. The same principle holds true in committing to Christ..

Read: These two circles represent two kinds of lives (read circle descriptions).

  • Question: "What is the main difference between the circle on the left and the circle on the right?” -- Christ on the outside, Christ on the throne.

Jesus makes a wayJesus makes a way

Clarify that the circles are not a measurement of how well a person is doing in his or her relationship with Christ. Sometimes, if someone already has a relationship with Christ, he or she might answer the question this way. However, that is a mistake. It’s like asking someone “Are you married?” The circle on the left is no, the circle on the right is yes. It’s not a question of, “How are things going in your marriage?”

The question using the circle diagrams is an assessment of whether or not a person has a relationship with Christ at all. Rather than a “how are you doing in your relationship with Christ” type of question, it is to help determine “are you in a relationship with Christ or not?” Do you see the difference? To help clarify this, it can be helpful to ask a person “What percentage of your sins did Jesus forgive?” There are no 50%, 75%, or even 99% of sins forgiven options. Even when things are rough and we’re struggling in an area of our life, we are 100% forgiven based on who He is and what He has done for us, not on how we’re living the Christian life. The left circle represents a person without Christ, with 0% of their sins forgiven. The right circle represents a person in a relationship with Christ, whose sins are 100% forgiven based on Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection.

Transition: “Which circle would you like to have represent your life?”

The following explains how you can receive Christ:

You can receive Christ right now by faith through prayer

(Prayer is talking with God)

God knows your heart and is not so concerned with your words as He is with the attitude of your heart.

Action: Have them read the prayer to themselves.

  • Question: “What is this prayer saying?” - Here’s a chance to reflect back on steps 1-4 to see if the gospel is understood.
  • Question: “Does this prayer express the desire of your heart?”

If it does, pray this prayer right now, and Christ will come into your life, as He promised.

Prayer is talking to God. God knows your heart and is not so concerned with your words as He is with the attitude of your heart. The following is a suggested prayer:

"Lord Jesus, I need You. Thank You for dying on the cross for my sins. I open the door of my life and receive You as my Savior and Lord. Thank You for forgiving my sins and giving me eternal life. Thank you for making me in your image, giving me value and dignity, for allowing me to know you, and for adopting me into your family. Take control of the throne of my life. Make me the kind of person You want me to be. Help me to love You and love others."

If this prayer expresses the desire of your heart, then you can pray this prayer right now and Christ will come into your life as He promised.

Reminder: Do not pressure them into doing something they do not want to do. Offer to pray with them in the moment if they’re ready, but allow them the space they need to make the decision for themselves. Make sure the commitment is real for them, not just for you.

Now Live it!
01: Share the Gospel

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